Tuesday, August 19, 2008

San Jose Children's Discovery Museum

Grammy wasn't feeling too well today, so I took the day off and Liberty and I went to the Children's Museum in San Jose....They have a new Alice in Wonderland exhibit that was pretty cool.....it was VERY busy though. I swear it was busier today than when we last went and that was on a Sunday in the winter time!We spent about two hours playing hard and then Liberty was headed towards a meltdown (so was mommy for that matter) so we left, but it is a great place and I'm glad we got to go again.
I practically had to drag her screaming from the water room, she loved it so much. Even with the industrial strength kid smock on she got soaked, but since I had been there before...I had the foresight to bring a change of clothes. Yeah....I felt like genius-mom there for a second.

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