Saturday, May 30, 2009

A girl and her snail....

This is Candy Cane...our pet snail. Liberty found him crawling on the sidewalk in front of Grammy & Papa's house one rainy day about a month ago and we brought him home and made him a part of the family.
He lives on the kitchen counter in the little cage that we got when we won the hermit crab at the fair last year.....unfortunately, the hermit crab only lived for about a week, but now at least Candy Cane has a nice house.

He likes to eat the little daisy flowers from the flowerbed in front of Grammy & Papa's house, so we bring him home some fresh food every few days. He's grown a LOT since we found him, he was only about the size of a dime when we first brought him home.
He's been a great pet so far...worth every penny *wink*